Sun Activity Clock
Duration: 2 days
Project Contributions: 
This project was done in collaboration with Olof Ingelsten. 
Liam Melin-Higgins participated in brainstorming.
For this project, we designed a smart clock that tracks user’s activity level and amount of sunlight during the day. We discussed about areas in out lives that we seek improvement, and we researched everyday objects that already exist but has potential to improve the user experience by adding interactive depth with AI or IoT features. We attempted to tackle an issue of people with Vitamin D deficiencies by encouraging outdoor activities under the sunlight. 
Our intention was to design a product that is simple without obvious digital aspects, preferably without screen displays. First, although we were designing a smart (IoT) object with the AI component, we wanted the object to function on its own without the “smart” features. To achieve this, we purposely focused on using analogue materials. This way, we looked at the clock as a display without screens, while complicated tech aspects are silently working in the background. Therefore, the clock can still function as a clock even without being “smart”. Second, users can see average sunlight that is available throughout the day by looking at the metal plate behaviour of the clock.
For future work, I would try to build it. I have already hypothesised the possible mechanical movement of the solar plate, but we need to test if it will actually work in real life. Also, it would be necessary to design the mobile app, as we have not yet discussed what the app will look like. Also, I would like to figure out existing APIs to use to gather data and communicate with devices, apps and a clock.
This item is not exactly a necessity as there are more efficient ways to track your activity level. However, we wanted more analogue display options while complicated tech stuff is running in the background, so that users can take a break from looking at a digital screen.

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